Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Why can't I be one of those people that sleeps through anything? I hate to complain but I just want to describe my night.
I fell asleep around 10pm, I guess. It's always sort of hard to know what time I finally drift off after my last look at the clock. At around 1:30am, I wake up to some loud talking upstairs and lots of walking around on the creaky floors. So I go to the bathroom and fall back asleep. An hour later, I am woken up again by really loud talking and some bass from a CD or radio. There is lots of walking around. Thankfully, after about 15 minutes the noises die down and I am able to fall asleep again.

As I walk to my car, at 5:53am, I first notice that I am going to have to scrape my windshield, that it's pretty cold out and ... what's that light glinting off metal ... what? ... there is a car parked behind me. I have to unlock my door, put my stuff in the car, go back to my apartment, unlock the door, find my landlord's phone number and trying not to sound too frustrated I listen to their phone ring both through my ear and through the floor above me. Finally, my landlord answers and I explain the situation. It takes him a good 5 minutes to come outside to move the car.

I mean, I already start work way too early and have to drive an hour in the mornings, is it too much to ask for a good night's sleep and no obstructions in the driveway. I guess I can't have it my way all the time.

Looking forward to an apartment with concrete walls.

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