Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Walking for Hawaii continued

I haven't been faithfully updating this blog but, surprisingly, we have been faithfully walking for the past 3 weeks. I think we have walked 5 out of 7 nights each week for a minimum of 25 to 30 minutes sometimes more.
It has been fun thinking of new places to walk. Usually, we need to run some sort of errand and if it's within walking distance we walk instead of take the car. It turns out that Shopper's Drug Mart is only 12 minutes away and carrying a bag of milk home adds to the strength training!:)

While in Nova Scotia this past weekend, we hiked a trail out to Cape Split. It took us 2.5 hrs to get to the end and 2 hrs to get back.

It was long and tiring but the view at the end was definitely worth it! If you ever get the chance, don't chicken out! Do it!