Tuesday, September 02, 2008


There are rabbits. They have been living under our deck and reproducing and eating our plants for the past 6 months. They are kind of cute. But annoying. Today after work, one of them attacked me. As I stood at the end of our path, it darted out from the garden and used my foot as a launching pad to get across the yard. Those are claw marks from a rabbit. A Wererabbit. Somebody please tell me it's ok to kill it and leave it out on the lawn with a sign on it's back warning all the cute rabbits that if they dare to live in our yard, there will be a price to pay.

I may be overreacting.


Vanessa said...

That's insane!! Who gets attacked by a rabbit??

I'll never look at those creatures the same way again.

Did it hurt??

Anonymous said...

since they insist on being on your feet, i think a pair of bunny slippers are in order... that should teach the rest of 'em

Irene said...

Yes, it did hurt, Vanessa. And a pair of bunny slippers is a great idea, Andrew!

Alanna said...

You're so funny Irene! :)

Anonymous said...

Are you starting to foam at the mouth? Perhaps a rabies shot is in order :)


Irene said...

no foaming as of yet.

Reuben said...

only my wife.....

Anonymous said...

A quote from Monty Python would appropriate here...but I all I can think of is "It's naught but a fleshwound!" or something to that effect. :)

Sara said...

The rabbits that keep chewing at our shrubs in the winter and then wreck the plants growing season have been threatened to be made into rabbit stew! Want to help?