Wednesday, April 23, 2008

One of those days

It's been one of those mornings. I think I must have got out on the wrong side of bed. I'm not a morning person to begin with but when it seems like everything goes wrong that just makes things worse. First of all, I decided to sleep in for a couple of extra minutes and buy breakfast at work. Then I proceeded to forget my book, forget to put on makeup and as I turn on my MP3 player at the bus stop, the battery dies. Then the bus comes late and my regular seat is taken. The bus ride was ok although a little crowded and slow. As I get off at my stop, the train I need to catch is pulling out of the station. No MP3 player and no book makes 15 minutes go by reeeeaaaally slooooww. By this time I'm starving and wish I had just eaten breakfast at home. Thankfully, noone really notices when I come to work and I don't have to punch in(like my old job) so it's ok that I'm late. I stop off and get a breakfast sandwich at Tim Horton's (which is on the other side of campus) and scarf it down because I'm so hungry that I don't think I even tasted it. I think it was really good!

Well, even though this was sort of a pointless post, I'm glad I wrote this all down because now that I think about it, my morning could've been worse. It could've been -30 and blowing snow. I could've not had enough money for my breakfast. And I could not be married to Reuben ... which in the end is what's saving me from insanity.

Have a great day everyone! I'm trusting in God that my day is just going to go upill from here.

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