Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Oma - 89 Years Young

My Oma is now a great-Oma. 4 times over (with number 5 due in 3 months). We celebrated her 89th birthday over the Easter weekend. To me, she doesn't seem a day older than when I first became aware of her existence.

We spend a lot of our weekend with Mike, Diana and Hadassah (and little Nemo, who stopped moving everytime I tried to get near:)) Here are a few pictures.

Hadassah's hair is getting longer and fuller. She is also working on her 8th tooth. She walks around a lot now and is starting to form phrases of words. Not real words but if you could understand her I'm sure she is saying some pretty profound things.

Diana and Mike just finalized the purchase of a new home. We went to see it on Saturday and were duly impressed. Too bad it isn't any closer to Ottawa.

Seeing Hadassah only every 6 weeks makes me wonder if she'll ever really know us. I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember us when we see her although she warms up to us pretty fast.

I resolve to make sure she knows us even if we live far away.

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