Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Birthday

I was thinking this weekend about how everyone congratulates you for your birthday. I wonder how that started because really why do I need to be congratulated. I didn't really do anything. I think my parents should be the one congratulated and in our Dutch circles they do. I think it's appropriate. I also think that we should be giving cards and presents to our parents on our birthdays to let them know how much we appreciate all the things they have done for us over the past year. I guess that is what Mother's Day and Father's Day is for. (I'm sorry for the continued use of dangling participles. I wish there was an easy way for me to stop using them.)

Speaking of Mother's Day, my sister, Karin and I were racking our brains for what to get our Mother and we couldn't think of anything. She seems to have everything. But then we came up with the brilliant idea to take her out for lunch. Pretty brilliant, huh? I'm sure it's been done before;) Then we are going to a ballet performance. It's just a children's ballet involving some of the girls in our church. It should be pretty cute!

We painted our apartment last night. It's called Copper Coin but it's more orange than brown. We have to do another coat tonight. With Reuben and I working on it together it only took 2.5 hrs whereas when I did our bedroom it took me 4 hrs. It's much more fun to have someone helping you. Some of our friends said that painting together would test our relationship but I think it just made it stronger. Although I did nitpick a little about Reuben's technique, as I've painted a few more times than him but in the end it went fine.

We'll be putting on the second coat tonight and then we'll take some pictures of that wall and our bedroom and post them here so that ya'll can see how our place is turning out.


Karin said...

Hi Irene,

we will have to come by and see the new colors soon! i'm sure it looks great!

love karin.

Irene said...

stop by anytime!