Monday, March 16, 2009

Update 3 or 4

The ceiling is done! It did need another coat but it looks amazing and I love the color:) We also primed the walls on Saturday. Reuben did the rolling and I did the cutting in although I had this awful headache and sore throat. I really wanted it done though so I worked on it as long as I could and then collapsed into bed for a nap. I'm still feeling sick but I really want to get this done so I'm persevering.
Tonight, I'm going to paint one wall with a tinted primer and the other walls with a neutral color that is called Monroe Bisque. Over the tinted primer we will be painting the wall Vintage Wine. These are Benjamin Moore colors so if you're curious you can go to their website to check it out. There will be one more color in the room which will go on the exterior of the kitchen walls that face into the living/dining area. We are waiting to paint these walls because we still have some more prep work to do and also because when we do the kitchen reno the walls may be reconfigured.

There is still a long ways to go.


Becky said...

I checked out the colors! It should look great when it's done!
Aren't reno's lots of work though! I'm glad our house is new...although we still have some basement to finish!

Irene said...

Yeah...I'm trying to be really patient but am sort of getting sick of the constant mess in the house. At least I get my kitchen back as we moved the loveseat back into the living room last night.